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(taken by me)


How's everyone? I hope you are in good condition. I wanna apologize. I haven't posted on this blog for a long time because this past year I have had to do and prepare a lot of things to become a new student. Hehe. This is the first post to kick off a long overdue routine on this blog. In this post I will briefly tell you about the city where I am pursuing a degree. Yogyakarta or Jogja. For those of you who live in Jogja, you may feel familiar about this city. But for those of us who are visitors who have certain reasons to this city, we will definitely feel that Jogja is different. When you first come to Jogja, your first impression of Jogja is the friendliness of the people. They give a positive feel that shows that Jogja deserves to be visited by all people from various countries. I have proven this myself. The people of Yogyakarta are very friendly and sensitive to people who are in need of help. I saw it myself the first time I arrived in this special city (on the way from the train station to where I live). In this city, I found a lot of tenderness when compared to the cities I have visited before. Most importantly this city is included in the category of the city with the cheapest cost of living in Indonesia, wkwk

Tourist destinations in Jogja can no longer be doubted. Malioboro Street is a place you must visit when you come to this city. Malioboro Street is very crowded especially on weekends. Many vehicles from outside the city came to Malioboro Street at that time, causing traffic jams. (very boring and made GoCar prices go up, huh) 

Malioboro Street (taken by me)

Besides Malioboro Street, you should also visit Tugu Jogja. At Tugu Jogja I was looking for the right photo spot so that Tugu Jogja could look perfect as the background for my photo. At that time, I made a reservation for a cafe on the second floor of this cafe which is often used by people to take photos with the background of Tugu Jogja. The name of this cafe is Kebon Ndalem Coffee & Eatery. Not only enjoy the food but also you can take the best pictures with Tugu Jogja, hihi. There are many other tourist destinations in Jogja that are well worth a visit. 

Talking about Jogja, it's incomplete if you don't include cultural elements. Yogyakarta has a million cultural heritage relic of the ancestors so dubbed as City of Arts and Culture. In addition, Yogyakarta is also nicknamed with the term "Never Ending Asia". From here, it can be seen how foreign tourists view Jogja as their tourist destination. 

Don't forget that when you visit Jogja, you must taste Bakpia, which is a food icon in this special city. Bakpia is a food made from a mixture of green beans with sugar wrapped in flour and then baked. Bakpia filling is not only green beans but also varied with chocolate, cheese, durian, and others. 

I think my writing in this post will suffice here. You must enter Jogja into one of your destination cities. I'm sure you will leave many memories after coming to Jogja. One word for Jogja is SPECIAL.

See you :)


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