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Travel to Two Countries

Three months ago, I went to Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) and Singapore with my family. 

We started the journey from Batam at 10:30 a.m. by ferry. We chose the transit line in Johor Bahru  and arrived there at 12:30 p.m. time in Kuala Lumpur (Batam and Kuala Lumpur one hour difference).  While  waiting for  departure to  Kuala Lumpur,  we  had  lunch  at a nearby  restaurant.  The  food is  different  from Indonesian  food starting from  its taste,  presentation,  even service but behind that the dishes are still tempting.

At 3:00 p.m., we continued our trip to Kuala Lumpur by bus for 6 hours. It was boring because it was too long sitting on the bus. Time passed, I fell asleep without realizing the announcement of 30 minutes break, even my family had returned after buying some snacks. After the break was finished, the trip continued again but this session I tried to enjoy it by continuing the writing on blogger.

We arrived in Kuala Lumpur at 9:00 p.m. We stayed for 3 days at Hotel Sentral Pudu, Kuala Lumpur.

The first day in Kuala Lumpur, we visited Petronas Twin Towers. The building designed by the architect named Cesar Pelli was very tall and beautiful. Many people come there with various purposes. Some shop to Suria KLCC, take photos, and some offer fisheye lenses at a price of RM35 or around Rp122000,00.

After taking many photos, we had lunch at a restaurant located in Suria KLCC. After lunch, I saw a bookstore called KINOKUNIYA. I immediately went there. After walking around, I found a book and immediately bought it.

The next place we visited on the same day was the Sultan Abdul Samad Building. It was very beautiful with an architecture that seems ancient but still looks elegant.

The second day, we continued the adventure to Batu Caves Temple. Outside Batu Caves there is a 42.7 m high Murugan Statue which is colored gold and is included in the category of the Biggest and Tallest Statue in the World (wow). There is also a series of caves and Hindu temples that have to climb above 272 stairs. When we reached the top, we felt like we are in India because all parts of the cave are filled with typical Indian makeup from temples, prayer songs, paintings, accessories shops, and of course statues. 

However, the one  thing I feared the most was the monkey. There are lots of monkeys that often scare travelers.  Even  when  a tourist was  engrossed  in selfies, suddenly  a monkey  snatched a  cellphone from his grasp. It really shocked me. Since that incident, I always stayed away when I saw a monkey. 

The expression in this photo is because there is a monkey at my feet

From there  we stopped by a restaurant.  I ordered  Pattaya Fried Rice.  It was very tasty  and  unique. Rice wrapped in omelet.

The last day in  Malaysia,  we got ready to go  to  Singapore.  We left Kuala Lumpur   at 9:00 a.m. by bus. During the trip I enjoyed every passing scene. We arrived at Singapore at 3.00 p.m.


When we arrived, we were very tired and stayed for one night at the Arianna Hotel. Father, mother, and aunt chose to just rest at the hotel but me, my brothers and sister, and uncle chose to take a walk on Orchard Road.

The next morning we chose a departure at 7:00 p.m. so we could take a walk first. Some of the places we visited in one day were Merlion Park and Gardens by the Bay.

Finally,  it was  time for us to return to  Indonesia. At 7:00 p.m. we  departed  and  arrived at Batam at 9:00 p.m. time on Batam.

This trip was very enjoyable and will never be forgotten.

See you on the next trip:)

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