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Study From Home (SFH)-My Opinion

Since Corona came, there have been many things that have changed in this life. We must do all the routine from home. One of them is studying from home.


Actually with important activities carried out at home there are challenges. Personally, what challenges me the most is how I can maximize studying activities at home to be as effective as at school. In addition, the goverment's appeal to study from home made me very challenged to study more from the school. And a warning to me that I must have the knowledge and ability to double more than before the enactment of studying from home.

Not only that, to break the chain of Corona Virus spread, we must limit all activities outside the home. So, I have to find a way to be able to create something with all the facilities in the house. Therefore, my time at home will not be wasted.

In general, the pandemic gives a new color to the world. Most internet users who previously used the internet to access games, online shopping, and social media are required to be more adaptable, innovative, and creative in this condition.

However, because all activities are carried out from home, internet users for non-educational needs are also increasing.

Maximizing useful information to learn from the internet is also a challenge.


But, to answer all challenges is not easy. The most basic is unstable time control.

While at school all schedules are structured. From the regular schedule, all of them indirectly instruct students and teachers to carry out their duties and responbilities. All are consistent and focused on study time. Although there are 5%-10% of the obstacles in school, it does not reduce the effectiveness of time for studying.

I think the only obstacle I feel is that. But in general, and what I have observed is often the problem of  the area where students live is also an obstacle. Because with the implementation of studying from home, some students choose to return to their hometown where internet access is very slow or even non-existent. In this sophiticated period, everyone is required to have a mobile phone with internet access. But, do all students have an internet quota to access it? Not all students have equal economic standards.

Especially with the current situation, many formal and informal workers are laid off. Thus, they are faced with the choice to feed the family or pay for children's education. And in the end they can not provide maximum education to their children or even their children have to drop out of school.

Stay at home is a time for many people to carry out their duties fully at home with family. Thus, the readiness of teachers to teach from home is also an obstacle. During this pandemic, teachers who teach online can be counted on the fingers.

These obstacles make studying from home ineffective.


How do I feel?

The feeling that I feel right now is uncertainty. Uncertainty of going back to school. Everyday I always hope that a storm called Covid-19 will soon calm down so we can go back to school. It is true, in this era all the information we can get through the internet. However, will character building, direction of teaching materials, atmosphere of the exam, and familiarity between teachers and students be obtained from the internet?

All that is nothing more than an information that we find through the internet.

But if the school reopens, it will be a problem for families affected by Covid-19 because they have to pay for all the needs of their children who will enter the new school year.

However, with the learning system as it is now, I can feel the true meaning of school. Because, "school" is not just about getting lessons. Teachers' voices make school more meaningful. Many relationships start at school. Students with lessons, students with teachers, teachers with teachers, students with students, student with the environment, teachers with the environment.

At the present time, our main task is to pray that things will be much better and return to normal.

My advice about this learning

During this pandemic all school components must be able to adapt to the situation. Not only teachers, students who are the golden generation of this nation must be able to think creatively. For example, exploring talent that has not been able to be done in the previous time. It is time to develop it. Don't make this situation your reason for relaxing. Your dreams are waiting to be picked up. For students, create something new and useful so that when you return to school you will have memories during this pandemic.

Choose steps that can be reached by all students especially in view of the economic standards of their families and can be reached from all regions. Because all students in all regions are state assets.

Thank you for reading.


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